Celebration Care
Prayer Requests
Celebration Church wholeheartedly believes in the power of prayer, that it is foundational in trusting and depending on God. Every day, our staff and prayer team consider it an honor to lift up the prayer requests and concerns submitted by our members and visitors.
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Your giving changes lives! You can give directly to help those in need.
Financial Assistance
Celebration Church is committed to providing care and help. Please complete this inquiry form so we can provide you with support and direction as we walk through this time together. Our Care team will connect with you for the next steps.
You must be a member of one of our Celebration Church Locations and show evidence of involvement through Connection Point attendance and participation in a Dream Team and Small Group to be considered for Financial Assistance. If you are not connected, we will be happy to provide local area resource information for your situation.
Celebration Church stops receiving applications for Financial Assistance each year on December 1.
If you have any other needs, please contact pastoralcare@celebration.church.
Central Texas Food Bank
Food Pantry
Meals On Wheels
Meal Delivery to the Elderly & Home Bound
State & Local Programs
Financial Assistance
Mortgage, utilities, medical supplies, and food pantries.
The Caring Place-Williamson County
Rent, Mortgage, utilities, and food pantry.
Round Rock Serving Center
Utilities assistance and food pantry.
At Celebration Church, we offer Christian Life Coaching to both individuals and married couples, ages 18 and up, who may be walking through a difficult or trying season. Our coaching team is comprised of trained volunteers who have the heart to encourage, pray for, and provide resources to the individuals we coach. Although we do not offer licensed professional counseling services, we are happy to provide you with a referral should you need one at any time.
Please note that our coaching program is only available to partners of Celebration Church as evidenced by completion of Connection Point. Should you attend a different church, please email us at pastoralcare@celebration.church for additional resources and suggestions.
If you have any other needs, please contact pastoralcare@celebration.church.
Job Seekers Network provides comprehensive job search programs and services, as well as emotional and spiritual support to the unemployed and underemployed in the Greater Austin, TX area. Through these efforts, we help thousands of people find better fitting jobs faster
Healed in Mercy
Healing Hope After Abuse
Healing Hope After Betrayal
Caregivers Support Group
Adoption & Foster Care Support Group
Healing Hope After Everyday Loss